Role of Centers for AIDS Research and Federally Qualified Health Centers (CFAR-FQHC) Partnerships in the Ending the HIV Epidemic (EHE) Initiative
This webinar described the Health Resources and Services Administration's (HRSA) Health Center Program and its engagement in Ending the HIV Epidemic (EHE), as well as opportunity for collaboration between Center for AIDS Research (CFAR) programs and health centers to advance the goals of EHE. This webinar described where Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs) are located, how they are funded, and provided a case study of how they have responded to the EHE funding initiative.
More than 25 million Americans are cared for in one of almost 2,000 FQHCs, community-based organizations that provide comprehensive primary care and preventive care, including health, oral health, and mental health/substance abuse services to persons of all ages, regardless of their ability to pay or health insurance status. Thus, they are a critical component of the health care safety net, and care for many People with HIV (PWH) and those at increased risk for HIV.
HRSA funds nearly 1,400 health centers operating approximately 12,000 service delivery sites in every U.S. state, U.S. territory, and the District of Columbia. In 2018, there were more than 236,000 full-time health center providers and staff serving nearly 28.4 million patients. HRSA funded health centers provide comprehensive, patient-centered care, integrating medical, dental, behavioral health, substance use disorder, and enabling services. HRSA-funded health centers are a key component in the Ending the HIV Epidemic (EHE) Initiative by serving as a key point of entry for detection and diagnosis of people living with HIV. In 2018, health centers provided over 2.4 million HIV tests to more than 2 million patients and treated 1 in 6 patients diagnosed with HIV nationally.
This webinar was presented in partnership with the CFAR-wide webinar series hosted by the University of North Carolina CFAR. For more information, email
Note: The recording of the Feb 24, 2020 Webinar (CFAR-FQHC Partnerships) is unfortunately unavailable due to technological issues.