Enabling Services Data Collection: Documenting Health Center...

Hosted by the Association of Asian Pacific Community Health Organizations and Health Outreach Partners

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In collaboration with Health Outreach Partners (HOP), AAPCHO continues to promote the importance of documenting social determinants of health (SDoH) interventions to demonstrate the value and scope of health center enabling services (ES). AAPCHO and HOP were joined by the Community Health Care Association of New York State (CHCANYS) to highlight how state, regional, and national partners can leverage SDoH and ES data for Value-Based Payment (VBP).
Through a national webinar, participants learned useful strategies with tools and resources to successfully implement a standardized data collection methodology for the tracking and documentation of non-clinical data. In turn, health center stakeholders, including health center and Primary Care Association (PCA) staff, will be able to articulate or better demonstrate how they are using non-clinical, ES data for VBP. This national webinar was also be conducted for health center and PCA staff to share insights and recommendations on how they plan to use enabling services data for the transition to VBP in their local, state, or regional context.