Leveraging Academic Excellence to Advance Telehealth Knowledge
A HRSA Telehealth Learning Series Webinar
Learning Objectives:
- Review core telehealth programs included in the Center of Excellence portfolios (tele-ICU, tele-stroke, school based telehealth, tele-emergency, diabetes- remote patient monitoring) - Learn how to develop tiered quality of care metrics during a telehealth service’s evolution
- Understand how to apply population health research approaches to telehealth outcome measure
Featured Speakers:
Dee Ford, MD, MSCTR, Professor of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine and Medical Director of Critical Care Outreach Program at Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC) / MUSC Telehealth Center of Excellence Project Director
Kathryn Cristaldi, MD, MHS, Assistant Professor of Pediatrics and the Medical Director of the School-Based Health Program at MUSC / MUSC Telehealth Center of Excellence Assistance Project Director
Donald Clark III, MD, MPH, Assistant Professor of Medicine, Division of Cardiology, University of Mississippi Medical Center
Richard L. Summers, MD, FACEP, Associate Vice Chancellor for Research, University of Mississippi Medical Center
This webinar is part of HRSA’s Telehealth Learning Webinar Series. The series’ goal is to highlight successful projects/best practices as well as resources to promote and further the use of telehealth technologies for health care delivery, education, and health information services. For more information about the series, contact Nancy Rios at NRios@hrsa.gov.