Brief Telehealth Needs Assessment
Brief Telehealth Needs Assessment

Brief Telehealth Needs Assessment

This assessment was created for a state primary care association (PCA) to use with health centers, but could also be used by health center controlled networks (HCCNs), or a health center could use it for a self-assessment across care teams or departments. The results of this assessment can be used to determine where training or additional support are needed.

Telehealth Impact on 2020 Uniform Data System (UDS) Clinical Measure Reporting
Telehealth Impact on 2020 Uniform Data System (UDS) Clinical Measure Reporting

Telehealth Impact on 2020 Uniform Data System (UDS) Clinical Measure Reporting

A table has been developed by BPHC and the UDS help desk assist health centers in determining how services to patients provided via telehealth should be considered for the three measure components for the Clinical Quality Measures (reported on Table 6B and 7). This guidance applies only to UDS clinical measure denominator, numerator, and exclusion reporting on Tables 6B and 7.

HITEQ Highlights: Preparing for Value-Based Care through Sustainable Telehealth Workflows
HITEQ Highlights: Preparing for Value-Based Care through  Sustainable Telehealth Workflows

HITEQ Highlights: Preparing for Value-Based Care through Sustainable Telehealth Workflows

The HITEQ Center collaborated with Certintell for a webinar on Preparing for Value-Based Care through Sustainable Telehealth Workflows. The webinar provides an overview of how health centers can use telehealth during the current public health emergency and ensure that they are ready for the shift to Value-Based Care. The webinar covers sustainable telehealth services that are often underutilized and example workflows that have worked for other health centers.

HHS Telemedicine Hack: Office Hours #2
HHS Telemedicine Hack: Office Hours #2

HHS Telemedicine Hack: Office Hours #2

Although telemedicine use has grown exponentially during the COVID-19 pandemic, many ambulatory providers still lack the knowledge and skills needed to implement video-based telemedicine into their practices. To support wide adoption of telemedicine, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response partnered with the ECHO Institute at the University of New Mexico and the Public Health Foundation’s TRAIN Learning Network to deliver a 10-week, virtual peer-to-peer learning community called Telemedicine Hack.

HITEQ Highlights: Shared Care Planning Optimization Using the EHR
HITEQ Highlights: Shared Care Planning Optimization Using the EHR

HITEQ Highlights: Shared Care Planning Optimization Using the EHR

Join the HITEQ Center, in collaboration with the National Council for Behavioral Health, for a webinar on Shared Care Planning Optimization Using the EHR. The webinar provided an overview on the importance of shared care planning and how we can better optimize the electronic health record to make it the most successful and inclusive of the team. Components of shared care planning and different tools that will help with the creation and accessibility of shared care plans were discussed. 
