Brief Telehealth Needs Assessment

HITEQ Center post on
Brief Telehealth Needs Assessment

August 2020

As it becomes ever more clear that the public health emergency will last longer than initially anticipated, health centers are likely adapting telehealth services to that reality. This includes moving to a more hybrid clinic model where some visits are in the clinic, but many are still best done via telehealth. This also means refining telehealth services that may have been very rapidly adopted in early 2020 to be more sustainable and integrated going forward.

This assessment was created for a state primary care association (PCA) to use with health centers, but could also be used by health center controlled networks (HCCNs), or a health center could use it for a self-assessment across care teams or departments. The results of this assessment can be used to determine where training or additional support are needed.

Download the assessment below, and feel free to adopt or adapt as you see fit!

Documents to download

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