Event date: 11/29/2016 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM Export event Alyssa Thomas / Tuesday, September 6, 2016 / Categories: Health IT & QI Workforce, Onboarding, HIT Events, Webinars, Archived 11/29 HITEQ Highlights - Health IT and QI Workforce Development: Onboarding for Success A HITEQ Center Webinar Click here to download the transcript of this November 29th HITEQ Highlights webinar and click here to listen to the archived recording. After a brief introduction to HITEQ and this Resource Set, this webinar will highlight two specific tools for onboarding new staff into your health center with a focus on speeding the onboarding of Health IT and QI staff. The webinar will delve into the two onboarding tools - the Calendar and the Sample of a Staff Member’s Dashboard for Required Tasks, showing how they are meant to be used and how you can customize them for your needs. Documents to download HITEQ Highlights Workforce Development 112916_508(.pptx, 4.46 MB) - 459 download(s) Resource Links Link to the webinar recording Previous Article 10/11 HITEQ Highlights - EHR Selection and Implementation Next Article Looking for help implementing Telehealth? Learn about HRSA Telehealth Resource Center (TRC) Technical Assistance available to health centers! Print 12938 Tags: webinar Health IT quality improvement onboarding Health QI/IT Workforce development QI health information technology HITEQ Event Related Resources Older Adults' Protected Health Information: A Complex Ethical Case Discussion HITEQ Highlights: Is Zero Burnout Possible in Primary Care? Insights from Recently Published Findings Among 715 Practices Level Up: Leveraging Your EHR to End the HIV Epidemic HITEQ Highlights: Shared Care Planning Optimization Using the EHR HITEQ Highlights: Health Center Defense Against the Dark Web: Strategies for Building Security Awareness, Education, and Compliance in 2020