Chris Espersen / Wednesday, November 2, 2016 / Categories: Health IT & QI Workforce, Onboarding Sample of a Staff Member’s Dashboard for Required Tasks A 2016 HITEQ Resource This is an example of a staff member dashboard that is used to ensure effective delivery of assigned tasks. This dashboard can be used in the onboarding and orientation process to ensure understanding of role expectations, and can be tailored for any direct-care staff member. Documents to download HITEQ-NCM-Success-Card-MM-YYYY-2016(.xlsx, 18.71 KB) - 809 download(s) Print 20276 Tags: template dashboard onboarding Intended AudienceManagement, Senior Leaders, Supervisors, Lead Staff Related Resources Staff Orientation to the use of Health Information Technology (HIT) to achieve the Triple Aim - Part I Staff Orientation to the use of Health Information Technology (HIT) to achieve the Triple Aim - Part II Staff Orientation to the use of Health Information Technology (HIT) to achieve the Triple Aim - Part III Health IT and QI Workforce Development: Onboarding for Success Orientation Follow-up Survey