HITEQ Center / Tuesday, October 4, 2016 / Categories: Health IT & QI Workforce, Onboarding Orientation Follow-up Survey This follow up survey is given to the employee following the first 2-4 months of employment. This information is used to inform the supervisor how helpful the orientation was and what, if any, information was missing. It can help improve the new employee orientation for future employees. Documents to download HITEQ-Workforce-Orientation-Follow-Up-2016(.pdf, 66.85 KB) - 728 download(s) Print 13446 Tags: Tool Document onboarding Health QI/IT Workforce development survey Orientation Related Resources Staff Orientation to the use of Health Information Technology (HIT) to achieve the Triple Aim - Part I Staff Orientation to the use of Health Information Technology (HIT) to achieve the Triple Aim - Part II Staff Orientation to the use of Health Information Technology (HIT) to achieve the Triple Aim - Part III Free CME Training with Three Tracks Examples of Technical Assistance Provided by Primary Care Associations and Health Center Controlled Networks