HITEQ Center / Tuesday, April 4, 2017 / Categories: Value Based Payment, Value Based Payment Basics Why Collect Standardized Data on Social Determinants of Health? A slide deck outlining the potential use of ICD10 coding for SDOH. This resource describes the importance of collecting Standardized SDOH Data in the context of value based payment. The resource reviews commonly used codes in ICD-10 that can help document SDOH. Finally, the slide deck describes useful tools for collecting these data and what’s on the horizon for health centers to strengthen their efforts to move “upstream” in addressing health disparities. Download this slide deck below. Documents to download Why Collect Standardized Data on Social Determinants of Health?(.pptx, 560.87 KB) - 1581 download(s) A slide deck intended to to equip health center stakeholders with the motivation, knowledge, and ability needed to collect and use standardized social determinants of health data. Why Collect Standardized Data on Social Determinants of Health?(.pdf, 341.11 KB) - 2033 download(s) A PDF of the above PowerPoint. Print 25081 Tags: Social Determinants of Health risk coding codes ICD-10 ICD10 Intended AudienceHealth center leadership, provider staff, those involved in coding Related Resources Strategies for Supporting Health Center Patients Experiencing Food Insecurity Coding and Documentation for Risk Adjustment and Value Based Payment The FQHC Alternative Payment Methodology Toolkit: Fundamentals of Developing a Capitated FQHC APM Spotlight on Health Center Payment Reform: Oregon Alternative Payment and Advanced Care Model Using Data to Manage Population Health Under Risk-Based Contracts
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