HITEQ Center / Friday, June 29, 2018 / Categories: Value Based Payment, Value Based Payment Basics, Engaging in Value Based Payment Models Spotlight on Health Center Payment Reform: Oregon Alternative Payment and Advanced Care Model Oregon Primary Care Association with NACHC This case study provides a description of the Oregon Alternative payment Methodology (APM) and lessons learned by its development and implementation. The case study outlines the financial, clinical, and utilization data considered when developing and promoting the APM. Specifically, the document outlines the data methodology used for rate setting and attribution. The case study also provides an overview of data tracked for non-traditional patient encounters such as telehealth and transportation services. The document highlights its use of data on social determinants of health as well as other data related to cost, quality, access, and population health. Documents to download Oregon FQHC Alternative Payment Methodology(.pdf, 899.17 KB) - 1048 download(s) From 2016, with NACHC. Print 19947 Tags: Population Health Management social determinants value based payment attribution quality risk risk-based contracts capitation utilization data cost data alternative payment FQHC APM Intended AudienceHealth center leadership, provider staff, information technology staff Related Resources Managed Care Glossary for Health Centers Managed Care Data Checklist Value Based Payment Contract Review Checklist for FQHCs [Video] FQHC Value Based Payment Basics Panel Management in the Age of Value-Based Care
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