
Successful use of Health IT enabled Quality Improvement requires a strong organizational foundation. This includes understanding motivating factors as well as barriers, communicating the value of using Health IT to improve quality and outcomes, and building buy in and commitment throughout all levels of the organization. Resources in this section provide ideas and guidance on how to navigate this critical first step.

Getting a New Workflow and Process Started during COVID-19 Pandemic

Getting a New Workflow and Process Started during COVID-19 Pandemic

Moving to Telehealth during Coronavirus Public Health Emergency

Health centers are having to dramatically change approaches to patient care as the COVID-19 public health emergency keeps patients at home and ramps up the demands of telehealth and other remote care modalities. Many health centers are moving primary care, care for chronic conditions, behavioral health, and other important care that patients need to telehealth, but the changing landscape and quick turnaround is tricky for organizations to navigate successfully. 

This resource is a quick start guide for health centers making this change. Download the full resource below in the Documents to Download section at the bottom of the page.

The downloadable PDF is broken into the following sections, each of which is filled with resources, examples, and references:

  • Quick Start Guidance
  • Come Up with a Triage Plan
  • Technology and Tools that can Support your Triage Plan
  • Communicate with Everyone About your Plan
  • Establishing your Workforce for Telehealth
  • Reimbursement Policy and Coding for Telehealth
  • Documentation



Documents to download

Intended AudienceHealth center leadership, clinical teams


This resource collection was compiled by the HITEQ Center staff with guidance from HITEQ Advisory Committee members and collaborators of the HITEQ Center.

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The Quadruple Aim
Quadruple Aim

A Conceptual Framework

Improving the U.S. health care system requires four aims: improving the experience of care, improving the health of populations, reducing per capita costs and improving care team well-being. HITEQ Center resources seek to provide content and direction aligned with the goals of the Quadruple Aim

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