HITEQ Highlights: Using Health IT to Facilitate the Development and Administration of a PrEP Program

Event date: 2/18/2020 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM Export event
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HITEQ Highlights: Using Health IT to Facilitate the Development and Administration of a PrEP Program

Hear from Your Peers! The HITEQ Center is launching a new webinar series for health centers to learn how their health center peers are using health IT to improve HIV prevention and care. For the first webinar, Using Health IT to Facilitate the Development and Administration of a PrEP Program, Robert Harris from the Community Health Center of Buffalo, Inc. described their whole system approach to develop an IT-supported PrEP program. Robert presented how they developed a viable and sustainable PrEP program maximizing the use of IT resources while minimizing the amount of staff resources needed to administer the program effectively. He described the IT components to support the program which consisted of structured field algorithms, custom reporting, and process automation through the use of a clinical rules engine as well as lessons learned for PrEP program implementation and sustainability.

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