High-Impact Leadership
High-Impact Leadership

High-Impact Leadership

This white paper is intended to help healthcare leaders at all levels improve their leadership skills to help them focus their efforts and achieve Triple Aim results for the populations they serve.

Staffing Models, Program Elements, and Performance Expectations
Staffing Models, Program Elements, and Performance Expectations

Staffing Models, Program Elements, and Performance Expectations

The following document describes Quality and HIT staffing models for a low, middle, and high resourced health centers.  These models are intended to be both normative (e.g., How does my middle resource health center compare? Do I have all of these positions covered?) and aspirational (e.g., What benefits could we get if we move to the next level?). 

The Patient Engagement Playbook
The Patient Engagement Playbook

The Patient Engagement Playbook

The Patient Engagement Playbook provides Health Centers with strategies for improving patient enrollment, activation and communication, care giver engagement and integration of patient-generated health data. For Health Centers attesting to Meaningful Use stages the Playbook also provides guidance and clarification around meeting patient engagement related objectives.
