Online Reputation Management for Health Centers
Online Reputation Management for Health Centers

Online Reputation Management for Health Centers

A Health Center’s online reputation plays an ever-growing role in client satisfaction, as 6 out of 10 patients use online patient reviews before selecting a physician. This webinar and related handouts recommend three specific steps to managing your reputation online to improve patient engagement.

HITEQ Health App Decision Tree
HITEQ Health App Decision Tree

HITEQ Health App Decision Tree

There are thousands of consumer health applications (health apps), which run on smartphones, watches, tablets, and other mobile devices. These Health Apps are available for download for general consumers, patients, and healthcare professionals. Currently, there is no governmental agency that provides certification or guidance on health apps, although there are several projects from organizations such as HL7, the FDA, ONC, and OCR that are working to provide guidance. User discrepancy in terms of the validity and safety of the health apps they choose to use are primarily based on ratings or recommendations. This guide seeks to provide a health app decision tree that can assist medical professionals and consumers in making wise choices when using health apps.

Emergency Situations: Preparedness, Planning, and Response
Emergency Situations: Preparedness, Planning, and Response

Emergency Situations: Preparedness, Planning, and Response

From the OCR: The Privacy Rule protects individually identifiable health information from unauthorized or impermissible uses and disclosures. The Rule is carefully designed to protect the privacy of health information, while allowing important health care communications to occur. These pages address the release of protected health information for planning or response activities in emergency situations.  In addition, please view the Civil Rights Emergency Preparedness page to learn how nondiscrimination laws apply during an emergency.

Population Health Curriculum
Population Health Curriculum

Population Health Curriculum

This curriculum aimed to introduce health care professionals to population health concepts and tools. Resources include slides and note sets, three case studies with sample data, and a performance improvement activity.

Measuring Population Health Management Return on Investment
Measuring Population Health Management Return on Investment

Measuring Population Health Management Return on Investment

There is a great deal of interest among health centers, Primary Care Associations (PCAs), and Health Center Controlled Networks (HCCNs) in the advantages associated with investing in Population Health Management electronic platforms. Measuring specific and quantifiable returns clarifies the benefits and supports consistent understanding among stakeholders of the value of PHM.
