Event date: 3/7/2019 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM Export event Alyssa Carlisle / Thursday, March 21, 2019 / Categories: Population Health, Webinars, Archived Laying the Foundation for Obesity Assessment and Management: An Introduction to the AAP Obesity Prevention, Assessment, and Treatment Algorithm A HRSA-MCHB Collaborative Webinar During this Bright Futures webinar presented by HRSA, a member of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) Obesity Leadership Workgroup addressed these topics: Key components of a comprehensive obesity assessment (for patients ages 2-21) in the context of a well visit Ways to engage patients and families in treatment Obesity-specific family history, physical exam and review of systems Potential laboratory and diagnostic tests for those at risk of co-morbidities Key Bright Futures anticipatory guidance Note: This webinar is part 3 of a 4-part Learning Series for Community Health Centers. See the other webinars in this series here and here, as well as this report about promising practices. Recordings of these webinars are no longer available, but slides {and/or transcripts} are available below. Documents to download Laying the Foundation for Obesity Assessment and Management: An Introduction to the AAP Obesity Prevention, Assessment, and Treatment Algorithm(.pdf, 6.58 MB) - 1552 download(s) Webinar Slides Laying the Foundation for Obesity Assessment and Management: An Introduction to the AAP Obesity Prevention, Assessment, and Treatment Algorithm(.pdf, 488.45 KB) - 1009 download(s) Webinar Transcript AAP Obesity Prevention, Assessment, and Treatment Algorithm(.pdf, 501.18 KB) - 1415 download(s) Print 24576 Tags: Population Health Management Childhood obesity prevention Bright Futures Childhood Obesity Preventer Badge Related Resources Managed Care Data Checklist Population Health Learning Network (PHLN) Toolkit HITEQ Highlights: Enhancing the EHR for Suicide Prevention HITEQ Highlights: Addressing Childhood Obesity in Health Centers 3 Pillars to Identify, Manage and Evaluate the Most Appropriate Diabetes Management Program for Your Population
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