Event date: 3/24/2022 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM Export event Jodie Albert / Thursday, February 3, 2022 / Categories: Value Based Payment, Telehealth, Webinars, Archived Specialty Care Access in Health Centers - What is the Potential of eConsults? HITEQ Highlights Webinar Access to care is the essential work of health centers, and one pain point is how to ensure specialty access for health center patients. This webinar will discuss innovation in specialty care access using technology and e-Consults. Electronic consultations (“e-consults”) are asynchronous, consultative, provider-to-provider communications within a shared electronic health record (EHR) or web-based platform. E-consults are intended to improve access to specialty expertise for patients and providers without the need for a face-to-face visit. The Maven Project joined the webinar to talk about the particular challenges in specialty care access in health centers and how e-consults can both improve access and support clinicians, including to help to reduce stress and burnout. The Maven Project supports front-line providers in delivering comprehensive care to patients at health centers and community clinics nationwide. Documents to download Slide deck (.pdf, 1.53 MB) - 454 download(s) Webinar Transcript(.pdf, 183.4 KB) - 447 download(s) Resource Links View the recording here Print 8449 Tags: health centers HITEQ Highlights eConsults Specialty Care Access Related Resources Preparing for Patient Level Reporting: UDS+ and More Clinical Decision Support and Care Plan Adjustment for Social Risks More than a Database: Understanding Community Resource Referrals within a Broader Framework HITEQ Highlights: Health Centers as Actors (in Information Blocking)! HITEQ Highlights: Deploying Smartphone Apps to Advance Mental Health in Primary Care