HITEQ Center / Tuesday, September 27, 2016 / Categories: Value Based Payment, Engaging in Value Based Payment Models Health Centers in the Era of Accountable Care Insights from AltaMed Health Services Funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, this case study highlights the successful experiences of AltaMed and how they shaped their role in payment reform, care delivery transformation, and their financial sustainability through multiple value based payment strategies. The authors at John Snow Inc. intend for this paper to serve as a lens through which other health centers may consider their role in payment reform models and strategies—including those affecting primary care as well as the health care delivery system of their populations. Documents to download Insights for Health Centers_RWJF AltaMed_2015_0720 rev(.pdf, 367.22 KB) - 1443 download(s) Resource Links Link to the original PDF of the Health Centers in the Era of Accountable Care articleAs the Affordable Care Act has elevated the need for increased accountability for cost and quality outcomes, clinical leaders, thought leaders, and policymakers have recognized that primary care can and should play a central role in accountable care. Print 29492 Tags: research value health centers evidence data Related Resources Specialty Care Access in Health Centers - What is the Potential of eConsults? Health Center Value Proposition Template Value of Community Health Centers Study An Evaluation of the Cost Efficiency of Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs) and FQHC ‘Look-Alikes’ Operating in Michigan The ACO Conundrum