Event date: 3/16/2017 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM Export event Alyssa Thomas / Friday, February 24, 2017 / Categories: Value Based Payment, HIT Events, Webinars, Archived 3/16 HITEQ Highlights: Value Based Payment Basics and IT Readiness Despite changing political forces, health care is likely to continue to transform toward value based payment, which has long held bipartisan support. This webinar will review basic concepts of value based payment and IT-related requirements to engage in these models successfully. The session will feature how one health center uses health IT to participate in value based payment models. Finally, participants will take a ‘tour’ of the HITEQ Center's Value Based Payment resource set in the context of how these resources can support health center engagement in value based payment models. Documents to download HITEQ Highlights IT for VBP 3.16.2017_508(.pptx, 5.2 MB) - 1004 download(s) HITEQ Highlights VBP Transcript 031617(.pdf, 94.75 KB) - 707 download(s) Resource Links Link to the webinar recording Print 15330 Tags: webinar Information Technology value-based payment IT Readiness HITEQ Highlights HITEQ Event Related Resources Preparing for Patient Level Reporting: UDS+ and More Clinical Decision Support and Care Plan Adjustment for Social Risks More than a Database: Understanding Community Resource Referrals within a Broader Framework HITEQ Highlights: Health Centers as Actors (in Information Blocking)! HITEQ Highlights: Deploying Smartphone Apps to Advance Mental Health in Primary Care