Become A Health Center Childhood Obesity Preventer!

HITEQ Health Center Childhood Obesity Preventer Badge

Supporting young patients in achieving and maintaining a healthy BMI and living healthy, active lives is critical to their ability to live full, healthy, and happy lives. Health centers improve the health of their patients and community by addressing child and adolescent weight.

The resources below are the product of a HRSA-MCHB collaboration, highlighting important evidence-based tools from Bright Futures as well as tools from HITEQ to improve the use of your EHR and health IT systems to support implementation of promising practice.

Visit the 4 part webinar series and their related resources linked below on this page and then fill out the submission form on the right and you will be rewarded with a Childhood Obesity Preventer badge!​ 

This is an official badge that is submitted by the HITEQ Center as a proof of completion to the blockchain. Your badge can be added to profiles such as LinkedIn and verified through accreditation services such as Accredible and Open Badge.


Health Center Childhood Obesity Preventer Resources

Preparing for Patient Level Reporting: UDS+ and More

HITEQ Highlights Webinar

Jodie Albert 0 5412

Data standards initiatives and the Uniform Data Set (UDS) Modernization initiative aim to reduce reporting burden through easing data exchange, improve data quality, and better measure services and outcomes. In the coming years, health centers will be expected to use FHIR, a data standard that is becoming more common, to submit UDS+ along with other information (such as public health reporting). Experts involved in preparation for UDS+ and similar initiatives with CMS will join to share their experiences and reflect on what health centers should be aware of as they prepare for the future of UDS and other reporting

Performance Measure Data Definition Worksheet

December 2022

Molly Rafferty 0 4513

The Performance Measure Data Definition Worksheet can be used during the Quality Improvement (QI) process to assess the alignment of your health center’s workflows and documentation and your EHR vendor’s reporting logic processes.
The Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) EHR Certification criteria requires EHR vendors to use eCQM (electronic Clinical Quality Measure) specifications to define measures. Therefore, reported data for a measure should be consistent regardless of EHR vendor. In practice, however, it is important to confirm that your EHR vendor’s reporting logic is consistent with your health center’s definition and workflows, and vice versa, as outlined in this worksheet.

Health Center Data Validation Tool

Weight Assessment and Counseling for Nutrition and Physical Activity for Children and Adolescents Validation for UDS Reporting

HITEQ Center 0 9654

Excel-based Data Validation Tool for health centers to validate their 2021 UDS clinical quality measure reporting of that Weight Assessment and Counseling for Nutrition and Physical Activity for Children and Adolescents measure. Video and written instructions are provided. 

Making Meaning of UDS Data with HITEQ UDS Clinical Quality Dashboards

HITEQ Highlights Webinar

Jodie Albert 0 11060

Health centers have the power to analyze their UDS data through the HITEQ UDS Clinical Quality Dashboards, which were recently updated with the latest UDS data to include 10 years' worth of clinical information. HITEQ hosted a webinar to learn about the multiple ways that the dashboards can present your organizations’ clinical data across years, and compare it to customized comparison groups of other health centers, to explore potential drivers of results. The HITEQ UDS Clinical Quality Dashboards have evolved and improved each year to provide new analysis options. The Dashboards present the UDS data in a flexible and readily understandable graphical format and deliver an organization-specific version of the content to each health center, HCCN, and PCA via a web interface built on Tableau. Each organization's access allows them to see the data relevant to their center while protecting the data of other organizations.

Health centers, HCCN, and PCAs joined HITEQ to see how the dashboards can provide them with data to answer many questions such as: 

  • As a homeless health center, how does our clinical quality compare to homeless health centers nationally?
  • As a small health center, which we choose to define as those with <10,000 medical patients, does it appear that our size is a driver of our clinical results compared to other health centers?
  • How have the trends in my clinical outcomes over the past 5 years compared to similar health centers in states that I consider relevant to mine?

Insights from the Field: Key Considerations for Implementing Health Information Exchange

Published August 2021

Molly Rafferty 0 12358

As medical care facilities seek to support patient safety and be responsive to their complete medical needs and histories, health centers also recognize that establishing an infrastructure for data sharing must be a top priority. Better practices for Health Information Exchange (HIE) increase patient wellbeing by giving providers more complete information for clinical decision making, eliminating unnecessary procedures and tests, reducing the burden of paperwork, and lowering costs. In 2020, HITEQ interviewed five groups that implemented clinical data sharing infrastructure in health care settings, including Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs). A set of example use cases were developed from these interviews, and we identified ten themes that may help guide other organizations interested in implementing HIE. Information from 1424 qualified health centers and health center look-alikes from the CY2019 Uniform Data Set also informed the current impact of data sharing, indicating that technology and potential workflows exist to support HIE within FQHCs.

View the key considerations gleaned from this research to identify lessons learned related to establishing HIE within a health center setting. The resource is available in the Documents to Download section below.

Addressing Intimate Partner Violence and Human Trafficking in the Health Center Setting

HITEQ Highlights Webinar

Molly Rafferty 0 19199

The coronavirus pandemic and consequent stay-at-home orders may increase danger for those at risk for or experiencing intimate partner violence and human trafficking (IPV/HT). Due to COVID-19, many health centers have shifted health encounters to virtual platforms, which offer unique opportunities to provide trauma-informed care and connect in new ways with those who may be experiencing abuse. Yet, telehealth and virtual visits also present health centers with new challenges related to privacy, safety and digital health equity. Given these changes in care delivery — and the inclusion of new Uniform Data System (UDS) data elements to capture IPV/HT diagnoses and services — health centers need information about how to identify and support patients at risk for or experiencing IPV/HT and leverage their health IT to provide and document care appropriately. In this webinar, presenters from the HITEQ Center and Futures Without Violence:

--Describe how health centers can implement an evidence-based, trauma-informed intervention for IPV/HT called CUES during virtual or in-person visits

--Review the newly included UDS data elements designed to capture IPV/HT diagnoses and services taking place within health centers

--Outline key considerations around privacy, safety, and equity for providing care through virtual platforms to patients at risk for or experiencing IPV/HT

--Feature promising strategies from health centers that have explored how to utilize health IT to support quality clinical care and data collection for IPV/HT



This resource collection was cultivated and developed by the HITEQ team with valuable suggestions and contributions from HITEQ Project collaborators.

Looking for something different or have something you think could assist?

HITEQ works to provide top quality resources, but know your needs can be specific. If you are just not finding the right resource or have a highly explicit need then please use the Request a Resource button below so that we can try to better understand your requirements.

If on the other hand you know of a great resource already or have one that you have developed then please get in touch with us by clicking on the Share a Resource button below. We are always on the hunt for tools that can better server Health Centers.

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The Quadruple Aim
Quadruple Aim

A Conceptual Framework

Improving the U.S. health care system requires four aims: improving the experience of care, improving the health of populations, reducing per capita costs and improving care team well-being. HITEQ Center resources seek to provide content and direction aligned with the goals of the Quadruple Aim

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