Event date: 4/26/2022 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM Export event Jodie Albert / Friday, March 25, 2022 / Categories: EHR Selection and Implementation, EHR Implementation, Health Information Exchange, Webinars, Archived FHIR 101: Opportunities to Improve Interoperability across Health Centers HITEQ Highlights Webinar Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) is an HL7® standard for electronic healthcare data exchange. This next generation exchange architecture is advancing interoperability in healthcare. FHIR provides a standard way to express and share information across health centers, providers, and related organizations independent of how local EHRs display or store data. For UDS+ and other information exchange needs, all health centers, PCAs, and HCCNs will want to be familiar with the basics of the HL7 FHIR standard. In this session we discussed what FHIR is, what it basically does, how it impacts your EHR, and what it might mean to your health center and patients. Documents to download Slide deck(.pdf, 1.6 MB) - 832 download(s) Webinar Transcript(.pdf, 132.97 KB) - 649 download(s) Questions and Answers from the Session(.xlsx, 82.15 KB) - 603 download(s) Excel file with 28 questions and answers Resource Links View the recording hereRecording link FHIR 101 GlossarySearchable glossary of terms. Print 12257 Tags: health information exchange HITEQ Highlights advancing interoperability Related Resources Specialty Care Access in Health Centers - What is the Potential of eConsults? Assessing Telehealth Maturity in Health Centers: A report out on the progress of Massachusetts health centers in advancing telehealth during a pandemic Measuring Telehealth Success: You Can't Achieve it if You Can't Measure It The Stairway to Telehealth Sustainability: The Telehealth Maturity Model SAMHSA 42 CFR Part 2 Revised Rule
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