18904 HITEQ Center post on Monday, June 6, 2016 | Categories: Partners, HealthITGov An ONC Program is hosted by Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC), the principal federal entity charged with coordination of nationwide efforts to implement and use the most advanced health information technology and the electronic exchange of health information. The site includes information to support use of electronic health records to better manage patient care through secure use and sharing of health information. Tags: ONC U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Health IT Office of the National Coordinator for Health Info DHHS Print Resource Links Link to the ONC is hosted by Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) Related Resources Older Adults' Protected Health Information: A Complex Ethical Case Discussion Getting a New Workflow and Process Started during COVID-19 Pandemic Security Risk Assessment Overview Presentation and Templates for Health Centers Breach Protection Overview Presentation for Health Centers #CyberAwareChat: Cybersecurity Twitter Chat Leave a comment Name: Please enter a name. Email: Please enter an email address. Please enter a valid email address. Comment: Please enter comment. I agree This form collects your name, email, IP address and content so that we can keep track of the comments placed on the website. For more info check our Privacy Policy and Terms Of Use where you will get more info on where, how and why we store your data. You must read and accept this rules. Add comment
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