A slide deck outlining the potential use of ICD10 coding for SDOH.
This resource will equip health center stakeholders with the motivation, knowledge, and ability needed to collect and use standardized social determinants of health data.
Payment reform and health center impact
This HITEQ brief outlines Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act (MACRA) MACRA, what it signals for payment reform, and when it impacts health centers.
A Review of Recent Research on Health Center Cost of Care
This 2014 California study compared state Medicaid (Medi-Cal) utilization of a population of adults served by a health center to those in the population who were not. The study found that health center patients were less likely to have an inpatient stay, hospital readmission, and emergency room visit.
A NACHC Webinar Event
The National Association of Community Health Centers (NACHC) is hosting this webinar that will present panelists from both public and private payers to discuss their organization’s goals, how they define "value," and what their organizations are doing to promote value-based care.
Checklist for FQHCs reviewing contracts, as a supplement to video module. Developed in 2022.
This checklist will walk you through a series of common considerations for contracts you may receive from payers, with a specific focus on contracts that include value-based payment components. Work through this checklist to be sure you understand these considerations and to help you flag any outstanding issues for legal and/or consultant review prior to execution of the contract.
A background on what you need and how to use it
This resource will equip health center stakeholders with the understanding of what data-related capacity is needed to succeed under risk-based payment models.
A Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Payment Reform Evaluation Project
Description of an evaluation of the Oregon health center Alternative Payment Methodology
Safety-Net Hospitals in the Era of Accountable Care
Funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, this paper discusses four safety net hospitals navigating accountable care efforts and the role of health centers in those efforts.
Best Practices Series #2
This brief describes Sunset Community Health Center’s efforts to transition to a value based payment with shared savings under Medicaid managed care.
Best Practices Series #1
This brief describes how El Rio Community Health Center engaged payers to help identify high risk patients and optimize the health of all of their patients through patient-centered, coordinated care.