2017 Conference for Agricultural Worker Health
A NACHC Conference
The Conference for Agricultural Worker Health is the only conference dedicated solely to the health and well-being of America’s migratory and seasonal agricultural workers. Community and Migrant Heath Centers currently serve approximately 900,000 migratory and seasonal agricultural workers and their families. However, this represents less than 25% of the estimated number who reside in the country. We must do better, we can and we are!
The National Association of Community Health Centers in collaboration with the National Center for Farmworker Health, Community and Migrant Health Centers, State and Regional Primary Care Associations, the Farmworker Health Network and other key stakeholders have launched Ag Worker Access 2020 Campaign! The campaign has called on all migrant health centers nationwide to increase the number of new farmworker patients by 15% each year for the next five years. If successful, we will reach 2 million patients by the year 2020!
S/RPCAs, health center networks and health centers all across the country have enthusiastically embraced the campaign by developing more specific community outreach strategies and effective utilization of community health workers and promotoras(es) to reach the population. Train-the-Trainer program curricula has been developed by NCFH and front desk staff are being trained to more accurately identify who is a “migratory” or “seasonal” agricultural worker and family member during the patient intake process resulting in more accurate reporting in the UDS reporting system.
Come and join us in Savannah, Georgia May 22–24, 2017 to learn more about the campaign, what progress has been made, share effective strategies designed to reach this population and network with your colleagues who have dedicated their lives to serving America’s migratory and seasonal agricultural population.
With increased attendance last year, the 2017 Conference for Agricultural Worker Health will be even better—focusing on innovation, health center operational excellence, efforts to extend health insurance coverage to those left out of the ACA, and more.