HITEQ Center / Friday, April 21, 2017 / Categories: Population Health, Relevance of PHM and SDH, Value Based Payment, Engaging in Value Based Payment Models Business Case for Person-Centered Care Issue Brief, Full Report, and Return on Investment (ROI) Calculator From the Scan Foundation website: Making the business case for new models of care requires a comprehensive financial analysis that includes a return on investment (ROI). The ROI Calculator is designed to help health care organizations develop and operate person-centered care models that serve high-need older adults. Watch a tutorial on using the ROI Calculator below, and access the calculator and instructions, inserting your own numbers and information to see how person-centered care works for you. A version with an example scenario is also available. Resource Links Business Case for Person-Centered Care ROI Calculator for Person-Centered Care Video Tutorialfor ROI Calculator for Person-Centered Care Print 31132 Tags: Enabling Services ROI Care Coordination cost whole person care return on investment care management case management benefit person centered care Related Resources Enabling Services Data Collection: Documenting Health Center Interventions in a Value-Based Payment Environment Utilizing and Integrating Behavioral Health Data into a Health Center’s Primary Care Services Measuring Population Health Management Return on Investment Insight-Driven Outcomes: A Focus on Risk, Quality and Provider Networks The Value Proposition for Population Health Management for Health Centers