Shane McBride and Ed Phippen / Tuesday, January 17, 2017 / Categories: Health IT & QI Workforce, Professional Development Examples of Technical Assistance Provided by Primary Care Associations and Health Center Controlled Networks How HCCN’s and PCA’s can be helpful to Quality staff at a Health Center This document showcases Primary Care Associations (PCAs) and Health Center Controlled Networks (HCCNs) for five states, highlighting their work in Quality and Health IT. These are examples of the types of assistance any health center may find from their own PCA and HCCN. HRSA provides funding to PCAs and HCCNs to provide state and regional resources to assist health centers. Documents to download HITEQ-Workforce-PCA-Contacts-TA-Examples-2017(.pdf, 134.75 KB) - 881 download(s) Print 16698 Tags: Primary Care Associations Document Health QI/IT Workforce development Resource partnerships Health Center Controlled Networks Intended AudienceQuality Staff, Medical Staff, Executive Staff Related Resources Free CME Training with Three Tracks Staffing Models, Program Elements, and Performance Expectations Leadership Cultivation and Buy-In – Annotated Articles Health IT and QI Workforce Development: Onboarding for Success Getting Started on the Quality Journey