HITEQ Center / Friday, January 29, 2021 / Categories: Health IT Enabled QI, Improving Performance, Population Health, PH and SDH Concepts, Implementing PHM and SDH, Improving PHM and SDH Quality Social Determinants of Health (SDoH) Toolkit Prepare, Test, and Spread: Experiences Implementing PRAPARE in Iowa This toolkit from Iowa’s Primary Care Association as part of the State Innovation Model is organized around the three stages of SDOH: Prepare, Test and Spread. The key concepts are organized under each of the stages. This toolkit provides existing and new tools for each of the 21 concepts with guidance related to when an organization may want to use each tool or concept. Links to previously developed tools are included in the concept areas but are also included in the toolkit as websites and electronic resources because URLs tend to move or “break” over time. The 21 concepts covered in the toolkit are as follows: PREPARE Understand the community Align with strategic plan Assess your organization Pick a tool Practice asking questions Find your clinical champion Create your resource matrix Brainstorm workflows Script for all audiences Ensure support for staff TEST Test your reporting Trial workflows Track progress Get feedback from patients Monitor referral completion SPREAD Continuous quality improvement (CQI) Share your story Develop new partnerships Advocate for population level resources and policy changes Resource Links Social Determinants of Health (SDoH) ToolkitPrepare, Test, and Spread: Experiences Implementing PRAPARE in Iowa Previous Article Remote Scribes, Transcription, Talk-to-Type, and Virtual Assistants Next Article Promising Practices in Virtual Integrated Behavioral Health Care Print 11293 Tags: Social Determinants of Health social determinants SDoH Implementation Guide referral to community partners social need Related Resources Clinical Decision Support and Care Plan Adjustment for Social Risks More than a Database: Understanding Community Resource Referrals within a Broader Framework Lessons Learned in Social Need Screening Strategies for Determining the Frequency of Social Need Screening Strategies for Collecting Social Needs Data
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Diabetes Health Center Data Validation Tool Diabetes Health Center Data Validation Tool Diabetes Control (HbA1C < 9%) Data Validation for UDS Reporting Diabetes Health Center Data Validation Tool
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