Health IT Enabled QI Resource Sets
EHR Optimization Series: Part Three of Three

EHR Optimization Series: Part Three of Three

Including slides, Data Dictionary, and Quality Report Inventory

The third of a three-part EHR Optimization series focused on establishing goals and expectations for optimizing EHR utilization and sharing proven strategy/tools for optimizing EHR utilization, including slides and related tools. 

  • EHR Optimization Session 1 Slides
    • From May 2017 Learning Session; objectives include:
      • Understand the role reporting has in EMR optimization
      • Be able to list at least 3 considerations when developing reports to improve EMR utilization and meet the goals of the intended audience
      • Identify at least 2 HITEQ resources for improving reporting effectiveness in facilitating decision-making
      • Be able to discuss the interplay between reporting and data validation
        • Slides are in the Documents to Download section; Recording is available below in the Links section. 
  • Data Dictionary: Organizational tool to catalog your EHR and analytics platform data indicators
    • A Data Dictionary provides a single point of reference for data mapping and interpretation for all of the indicators in your quality reports. Organization of the data definitions in this tool provides a reference for the team of the definitions which impact reports and alerts in the analytics application. That application may be the EHR or an analytics platform that is tied to the EHR. Anyone with questions about where data is being pulled from for any indicator can reference the Data Dictionary without analyst security privileges or expertise within the analytics tools. The Data Dictionary should be curated by analysts and made available on a shared drive or company intranet.
  • Quality Report Inventory: Organizing your quality team with a schedule and map of quality report distribution
    • A Report Inventory is a means to make public all available reports, the schedule for publishing to the organization, and their distribution. It provides a point of reference for all potential report requestors who are looking for data on any metric. The Report Inventory may also include reference to EHR alerts, mappings, and schedules and any supporting EHR or Population Health Management tools that are available to support improvement of each metric. Making this tool available on a shared drive or company intranet provides a point of reference for analysts to direct report requestors prior to acting on any new report request. The Report Inventory is organized by metric, including the denominator and numerator definitions, exclusions, and references to the metric steward which may be internal to the organization or external (e.g. UDS, NQF, etc.). The Report Inventory should be curated by your data analysts in collaboration with the responsible metric stewards within an organization.

Download each of these resources below, in the Documents to Download section.

Documents to download

Previous Article EHR Optimization Series: Part Two of Three
Next Article Utilizing and Integrating Behavioral Health Data into a Health Center’s Primary Care Services
Intended AudienceClinical Quality Team members, Health Center IT and Quality Staff


This resource collection was cultivated and developed by the HITEQ team with valuable contributions from Chris Espersen, Espersen & Associates and Past President of Midwest Clinicians Network, Dan Tutuer, former head of Colorado's HCCN, and Dr. Jerome Osheroff, TMIT Consulting, LLC, as well as HITEQ's Advisory Committee and many health centers who have graciously shared their experiences with HITEQ.


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A Conceptual Framework

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