Health IT Enabled QI Resource Sets
EHR Optimization Series: Part One of Three

EHR Optimization Series: Part One of Three

Including Performance Measure Crosswalk and Data Definition Worksheet

The first of a three-part EHR Optimization series focused on establishing goals and expectations for optimizing EHR utilization and sharing proven strategy/tools for optimizing EHR utilization, including slides and related tools. 

  • EHR Optimization Session 1 Slides
    • From May 2017 Learning Session; agenda includes:
      • Introductions
      • EHR Optimization Defined
      • Identifying “Waste”
      • Data Life Cycle
      • Strategies for EHR Optimization
      • Closing/ Discussions/ Sharing
  • eCQM Crosswalk for UDS, MIPS, PCMH, etc.: Quality Measure reference tool to understand relationship between eCQM, PCMH, Meaningful Use and UDS data measures
    • The CMS eCQI Resource Center is the definitive eCQM resource. This tool provides a quick crosswalk to the eCQM measure definitions and guidance to which of the eCQM measures are reported for UDS 2019, MIPS, CPC+, and NCQA PCMH. *Updated in March 2020*
  • Performance Measure Data Definition Worksheet: Organizational tool to confirm eCQM measure specifications match EHR vendor logic
    • ONC EHR Certification criteria means that vendors use eCQMs’ (electronic Clinical Quality Measures’) specifications to define measures. Therefore, reported data for a measure should be consistent regardless of vendor. In practice, however, it is important to confirm the vendor’s logic is consistent with the health center’s definition and workflows. This tool supports alignment of the health center’s data definition with the vendor’s reporting logic.

Download each of these resources below, in the Documents to Download section.

Updated eCQM Crosswalk can be accessed here.

Access part two and three of this series as well!

Documents to download

Previous Article Quality Report Inventory
Next Article EHR Optimization Series: Part Two of Three
Intended AudienceClinical Quality Team members, Health Center IT and Quality Staff


This resource collection was cultivated and developed by the HITEQ team with valuable contributions from Chris Espersen, Espersen & Associates and Past President of Midwest Clinicians Network, Dan Tutuer, former head of Colorado's HCCN, and Dr. Jerome Osheroff, TMIT Consulting, LLC, as well as HITEQ's Advisory Committee and many health centers who have graciously shared their experiences with HITEQ.


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A Conceptual Framework

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