Health IT Enabled QI Resource Sets
Event date: 3/29/2017 - 4/1/2017 Export event
2017 Policy & Issues Forum
Alyssa Thomas

2017 Policy & Issues Forum


Visit HITEQ at booth #403 in Exhibit Hall C on Friday, March 31st.

On March 29, 2017 health cen­ter lead­ers will join deci­sion-mak­ers and pub­lic health lead­ers in the heart of Wash­ing­ton, D.C. to focus on the future. Your attendance at this national gathering is more critical than ever.  Health care issues will be front and center as the new Administration and lawmakers on Capitol Hill assess health policies and consider proposals to restructure key federal programs, such as the Affordable Care Act, Medicaid, and Medicare.  While many questions remain about the legislative plans taking shape, one thing is certain: your voice and participation is needed. Every one of us must take an active role to advocate for our future and demonstrate our value to the nation’s health care system.

Our objectives remain the same: preserve Medicaid and our unique role within it, maintain current services by fixing the funding cliff well before the September 2017 deadline, and ensure strong funding to enhance health center capacity, including investment in workforce.

The P & I Forum is an oppor­tu­nity for clinicians, board members, consumers, executives and many other community health leaders to bring per­spec­tives to Mem­bers of Con­gress and offer con­struc­tive solu­tions to the issues at hand. Par­tic­i­pants will also have the oppor­tu­nity to hear from gov­ern­ment offi­cials, some of the nation’s lead­ing health­ care experts, and their peers.

Do not miss this oppor­tu­nity to get the most up-to-date infor­ma­tion and tools to help your health cen­ter orga­ni­za­tion stay ahead of the game.  Stay tuned to this page for updates on key sessions and speakers at the NACHC 2017 Policy and Issues Forum.

Previous Article Part II: Local Efforts to Reduce Emergency Department Utilization
Next Article 2017 Community Health Institute (CHI) & Expo


This resource collection was cultivated and developed by the HITEQ team with valuable contributions from Chris Espersen, Espersen & Associates and Past President of Midwest Clinicians Network, Dan Tutuer, former head of Colorado's HCCN, and Dr. Jerome Osheroff, TMIT Consulting, LLC, as well as HITEQ's Advisory Committee and many health centers who have graciously shared their experiences with HITEQ.


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HITEQ works to provide top quality resources, but know your needs can be specific. If you are just not finding the right resource or have a highly explicit need then please use the Request a Resource button below so that we can try to better understand your requirements.

If on the other hand you know of a great resource already or have one that you have developed then please get in touch with us by clicking on the Share a Resource button below. We are always on the hunt for tools that can better server Health Centers.

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The Quadruple Aim
Quadruple Aim

A Conceptual Framework

Improving the U.S. health care system requires four aims: improving the experience of care, improving the health of populations, reducing per capita costs and improving care team well-being. HITEQ Center resources seek to provide content and direction aligned with the goals of the Quadruple Aim

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