Project ECHO Quality Improvement: Plan-Do-Study-Act Cycles— Getting the Most from Your Tests of Change

Event date: 7/20/2016 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM Export event
Alyssa Thomas post on
| Categories: Health IT Enabled QI
Project ECHO Quality Improvement: Plan-Do-Study-Act Cycles— Getting the Most from Your Tests of Change

A Weitzman Institute Webinar

Registration is now open for the fifth session of  the Weitzman Institute's Project ECHO Quality Improvement.  In this session we will review and discuss ways to ensure that your cycles of change are specific, appropriate and well documented.

This free videoconferencing program will assist QI professionals by providing instruction on practical tools and techniques. Common real world problems will be addressed during this interactive session.

Participants will review and discuss ways to ensure that your cycles of change are specific, appropriate and well documented.

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Next Article Section IV - Acknowledgements

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