Missouri Quality Improvement Network

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| Categories: HCCN, PCA
Missouri Quality Improvement Network

Jefferson City, MO

MOQuIN was formed in 2010 with HRSA Health Center Controlled Network funding. All Missouri health centers are members of MOQuIN and staff representatives meet on a routine basis to discuss best practices and opportunities for quality improvement. MOQuIN provides support for MPCA’s member health centers to leverage Health Information Technology (HIT) to improve patient care and report on clinical quality measures, and achieve Meaningful Use of HIT to receive the incentives available through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA). Use of the data warehouse, population health management software, and staff expertise enhance the success of this network in organizing statewide quality improvement efforts and initiatives.

MPCA's mission is to be Missouri's leader in shaping policies and programs that improve access to high-quality, community-based, and affordable primary health services for all Missourians.

Jefferson City, Missouri 

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