Presentation Description
The SAMHSA/HRSA Center for Integrated Health Solutions (CIHS) is a national resource for technical assistance on the bi-directional integration of care (primary care in behavioral health settings; behavioral health in primary care settings). The Center has organized a special roundtable discussion for participants interested in learning about strength-based strategies to improve supervisory relationship with staff.
Supervising in an integrated care environment takes new skills and tools to maximize the effectiveness of all the members of the team. The team is what defines integrated primary and behavioral health care, and your role as a leader is critical to the overall success of your integrated care program. Join this roundtable to review tools and skills supervisors need to improve team communication, patient care and team effectiveness. Learn strategies to help partner with your employees to develop shared expectations, elicit needs and enhance their autonomy. Build your confidence as a supervisor and come away from this roundtable discussion with a clearer sense of what it takes to lead an effective integrated care team.
Join Pam Pietruszewski, MA, Integrated Health Consultant, National Council for Behavioral Health and Nick Szubiak, MSW, LCSW, Consultant, CIHS, to build your confidence as a supervisor and come away from this roundtable discussion with a clearer sense of what it takes to lead an effective integrated care team.
This will be an interactive roundtable discussion with an opportunity for participants to interact directly with national experts on supervisory skills. All attendees will be offered the opportunity for no-cost follow-up assistance on any of the topics discussed during the webinar. There will also be an opportunity for follow-up group discussions.
Participants will be able to:
- Understand the impact a supervisor has on staff turnover, morale, and workflow
- Identify methods to effectively report outcomes and data to staff to improve organizational workflows and patient care
- Develop strength-based strategies to improve supervisory relationship with staff
- Recognize the early warning signs of a team in need of support and tools for effective guidance/motivation.
This training will be moderated by Nick Szubiak, MSW, LCSW and Pam Pietruszewski, MA.
Feel free to send questions ahead to if you would like them addressed during the discussion.
Speaker Biographies

Pam Pietruszewski, MA
Integrated Health Consultant, National Council for Behavioral Health
Pam Pietruszewski is an Integrated Health Consultant with the National Council for Behavioral Health. She has more than 20 years’ experience working with leadership and staff in mental health, substance abuse and primary care as well as state and local governments to design and implement integrated care initiatives. Pam is a Motivational Interviewing trainer with additional experience in measurement-based care for depression, health care teams and quality improvement. She served as clinical lead for the Reducing Adolescent Substance Abuse Initiative funded by the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation and is listed in the National Registry of SBIRT Trainers from the Addiction Technology Transfer Center (ATTC) Network established by SAMHSA. Pam has published in the Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings, American Journal of Managed Care, Mental Health Family Medicine, Annals of Family Medicine, Psychiatric Services and the Journal of Biomedical Informatics. She recently completed an online non-credit specialization in Positive Psychology through the University of Pennsylvania. She holds a master's degree in counseling and psychological services from St. Mary's University in Minnesota.

Nick Szubiak, MSW, LCSW
SAMHSA/HRSA Center for Integrated Health Solutions, National Council for Behavioral Health
Nick Szubiak brings more than 16 years of experience in direct service, administration and clinical supervision. As Assistant Vice-President of Addiction and Recovery at the National Council for Behavioral Health and as an Integrated Health Consultant, he provides technical assistance, consultation and training toward bi-directional integration of behavioral health and primary care, SBIRT, and substance use treatment such as medication assisted treatment (MAT) and helping organizations utilize data to improve clinical outcomes. His projects include health homes, population health management, quality improvement, FQHC partnerships with community behavioral health, implementing screening and assessment, coordinating care, working in high functioning teams and utilizing measurement based care. His expertise involves systems change management with emphasis around the integration of primary and behavioral health care and substance use and leadership development and supervisory skills. Nick’s training experience fosters both primary care, substance use and behavioral health care provider’s successful adaption to clinical and organizational culture change. Nick is an adjunct professor at the University of Hawaii, Myron B. Thomas School of Social Work. He earned his Master’s Degree in Social Work from Rutgers University.