UDS Mapper Advanced Topics: Geography of Population Health
A HRSA Webinar
Health Centers have long been proponents of population health and regularly interact with health and social determinants of health data to make the case for continued funding. But this expertise is often limited to administrative and grant-writing roles. Does everyone in your health center understand the geographic concepts that underpin implementing a population health mindset at your health center? Come learn more about the geography of population health in a webinar given by the UDS Mapper team on June 13 at 2 PM Eastern.
This webinar will vary from month-to-month and cover advanced tools and uses of the UDS Mapper.
The UDS Mapper is a collaboration between the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) and the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) and is part of the HealthLandscape online mapping platform.
This webinar is geared toward users who are familiar with the UDS Mapper and would like to learn more about its uses.
The webinar is open to the public and free of charge.