Telehealth Impact on 2020 Uniform Data System (UDS) Clinical Measure Reporting
HITEQ Center

Telehealth Impact on 2020 Uniform Data System (UDS) Clinical Measure Reporting

Click through here or the link below, to access a handout for CY2020 UDS Reporting. This table has been developed by BPHC and the UDS help desk assist health centers in determining how services to patients provided via telehealth should be considered for the three measure components for the Clinical Quality Measures (reported on Table 6B and 7). This guidance applies only to UDS clinical measure denominator, numerator, and exclusion reporting on Tables 6B and 7; it is not intended to provide guidance on federal and state regulations or restrictions on the use of telehealth. Be sure to review in conjunction with the CY2020 UDS Manual

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