Event date: 9/29/2021 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM Export event
PCA/ HCCN Listening Sessions: Success with SDoH Screening during COVID and Beyond

PCA/ HCCN Listening Sessions: Success with SDoH Screening during COVID and Beyond

First of HITEQ PCA/ HCCN Listening Sessions: Emerging Successfully

This was the first of the approximately 5 listening sessions HITEQ is hosting through the end of 2022. The purpose of these listening sessions is to understand the gaps in resources and guidance for health centers in specific areas of focus. HITEQ is bringing HCCNs and PCAs to the table for these in order to get the invaluable perspective of those who work with the health centers each day as well as where HITEQ can share valuable national insight.

This first Listening Session focused on Success with SDoH Screening during COVID and Beyond, including the state of social risk screening in health centers and their EHR/ health IT systems, what health centers are doing with SDoH data, and where the promising practices and potential pitfalls exist.

PCAs and HCCNs who are working on SDoH-specific activities with their health centers, as well as those considering ways to assist their health centers with social risk screening should join for peer sharing. 

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Intended AudiencePCA and HCCN Staff; PCA and HCCN Leadership