Measuring Population Health Management Return on Investment
A methodology to calculate ROI (Return on Investment) using a Matrix Tool
There is a great deal of interest among health centers, Primary Care Associations (PCAs), and Health Center Controlled Networks (HCCNs) in the advantages associated with investing in Population Health Management (PHM) electronic platforms. Measuring specific and quantifiable returns clarifies the benefits and supports consistent understanding among stakeholders of the value of PHM.
Available below, the PDF document titled Measuring Population Health Management Return on Investment outlines a conceptual process for measurement of ROI of a population health management system offered at the network level. What is presented here could also be used a starting point for developing an ROI analysis at the organizational level. The companion tool, an Excel file titled PHM ROI Matrix Tool, provides recommendations for measurement for different stages of PHM implementation and an ROI calculator.
Download both of these resources below.
These resources were created in partnership with Michigan Primary Care Association and Mark S. Rivera of Managed Care Consulting Inc./MCC Analytics, and HITEQ thanks both for their time, insight, and energy.