High-Impact Leadership
HITEQ Center

High-Impact Leadership

Improve Care, Improve the Health of Populations, and Reduce Costs

This white paper is organized into three sections intended to help healthcare leaders at all levels improve their leaderships skills to help them focus their efforts and achieve Triple Aim results.

The first, “New Mental Models for Health Care Leadership,” describes four mental models (or ways leaders can think and view the world) intended to help shape and focus leadership behavior.

The second, “High-Impact Leadership Behaviors,” explains five self-reinforcing and action-centered behaviors that can guide what leaders “do” to help their organizations improve their ability to achieve the Triple Aim.  

Finally, the white paper introduces the “IHI High-Impact Leadership Framework.”  The Framework, building on the leadership thinking and work of leaders such as Tom Nolan, Don Berwick, and Maureen Bisognano, provides the reader with a detailed discussion of the six domains in the Framework that cover the critical areas in which leaders at all levels of healthcare delivery systems must focus to drive improvement and innovation to achieve Triple Aim results.

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Intended AudienceQuality, information technology, medical, support, and executive staff

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