EHR Vendors Most Frequently Used by Health Centers

EHR Vendors Most Frequently Used by Health Centers

2014 through 2020, according to information reported by health centers in the UDS.

Updated in 2021 with CY2020 data, these publications use health center reported UDS data from 2014 through 2020 to identify the EHRs most frequently used among health center programs, and shows the change between years. Download the PDFs below for all the information.

2014 and 2015 information was taken from the EHR Form in the UDS, and 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2020 information was retrieved from the Health Information Technology Capability Form in the UDS. Each of these forms can be seen in the UDS manual for the given year here

Efforts have been taken to normalize data for aggregation purposes (such as to combine those that reported "Next Gen" and those that reported "NextGen"); otherwise, all information is used as reported by health centers without further verification. In analysis of the 2020 information, grouping was done by EHR developer specifically. Download the PDF from the Documents to Download section below for all the information.


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Intended AudienceHealth Center Leadership, Health Center EHR Staff, PCA or HCCN Staff supporting health centers