Event date: 11/14/2016 - 11/16/2016 Export event
2016 PCA and HCCN Conference
Alyssa Thomas
/ Categories: HIT Events

2016 PCA and HCCN Conference


In 2016, while the Afford­able Care Act is nearly fully imple­mented, the Pri­mary Care Asso­ci­a­tions (PCAs) and Health Cen­ter Con­trolled Net­works (HCCNs) are fully engaged in imple­ment­ing a myr­iad of changes to the health care deliv­ery sys­tem.  More­over, PCAs and HCCNs are the energy in their respec­tive states for dri­ving the strate­gic response for Health Cen­ters.  Account­able care oppor­tu­ni­ties and value based care are quickly becom­ing the rule with PCAs and HCCNs lead­ing the way for Health Cen­ters.  This con­fer­ence will focus on the con­cepts, skills and best prac­tice mod­els in the field to assure the pro­gram con­tin­ues to be on the cut­ting edge of the health care deliv­ery sys­tem.

State Pri­mary Care Asso­ci­a­tions (PCAs) are state level trade asso­ci­a­tions that rep­re­sent and pro­vide train­ing and tech­ni­cal assis­tance to health cen­ters in each state.  Cur­rently there are 52 PCAs.  Health Cen­ter Controlled Net­works (HCCNs) are groups of health cen­ters that come together to focus on issues rel­a­tive to the back office func­tions they all have – such as imple­ment­ing and main­tain­ing elec­tronic med­ical records or billing.  Some HCCNs are part of a PCA, but most are inde­pen­dent.  Cur­rently there are about 80 HCCNs across the coun­try.

NACHC’s PCA and HCCN con­fer­ence is the only con­fer­ence of its kind specif­i­cally tar­get­ing both state PCAs and HCCNs, with an audi­ence of 200–225 atten­dees from across the coun­try where nearly every state is repre­sented.

This con­fer­ence pro­vides those com­pa­nies want­ing to con­nect with the PCA and HCCN audi­ence the oppo­tunity to do so through spon­sor­ship.  There is no for­mal EXPO at this con­fer­ence, how­ever, spon­sors are pro­vided a table­top dis­play and are invited to par­tic­i­pate and fully engage in one-on-one inter­ac­tion with this tar­geted audi­ence.  This is a closed con­fer­ence. The ONLY way for a non PCA and HCCN par­tic­i­pants to attend is through one of the lim­ited spon­sor­ship oppor­tu­ni­ties avail­able.

For more infor­ma­tion about the con­fer­ence, con­tact Jen­nifer Nolty at 301–347-0400 or jnolty@nachc.com

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