HITEQ Center / Wednesday, July 12, 2017 / Categories: Population Health, Using Data for PHM and SDH, Value Based Payment, Value Based Payment Basics Using Data to Manage Population Health Under Risk-Based Contracts A background on what you need and how to use it This brief walks health centers through three key questions related to using data to succeed under risk-based contracts: 1) What data do I need and how do I get it? 2) How should I analyze the data? and 3) How should I use the data to manage quality and cost? Understanding the answers to these questions assists health centers in understanding the data-related capacities needed to participate successfully in risk-bearing payment models. Download the brief below! Documents to download Using Data to Manage Population Health Under Risk-Based Contracts(.pdf, 332.21 KB) - 1847 download(s) From July 2017. Resource Links Using Data to Manage Population Health Under Risk Based ContractsWebinar Archive Print 33287 Tags: Population Health Management value based payment attribution risk risk-based contracts capitation assignment utilization data cost data gaps-in-care reports variation analysis total cost of care cost drivers Intended Audiencehealth center leadership, those considering risk-based contracts, and quality, EHR, and data management staff Related Resources Managed Care Glossary for Health Centers Managed Care Data Checklist Value Based Payment Contract Review Checklist for FQHCs [Video] FQHC Value Based Payment Basics Population Health Learning Network (PHLN) Toolkit
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