Molly Rafferty / Thursday, April 7, 2022 / Categories: Population Health, PH and SDH Concepts, Relevance of PHM and SDH, Implementing PHM and SDH, Using Data for PHM and SDH, Improving PHM and SDH Quality Strategies for Determining the Frequency of Social Need Screening Resource developed April 2022 When implementing a social need screening program, it can be challenging to identify how frequently to conduct the screening with patients. Health centers may have to explore various strategies to develop a workflow that prevents appointment backups and reduces the burden on staff. This resource shares examples of strategies gleaned from interviews with health centers. Download the resource in the Documents to Download section below. Documents to download Strategies for Determining the Frequency of Social Need Screening(.pdf, 138.83 KB) - 529 download(s) April 2022 Print 8843 Tags: Social Determinants of Health social determinants data social determinants SDoH social need Social Need Screening social need data SDoH Data Dashboards Social Needs Screening Tool Social Needs Data Collection Social Needs Screening Social Needs Screening Badge Related Resources Clinical Decision Support and Care Plan Adjustment for Social Risks Lessons Learned: Implementing and Expanding Social Needs Screening Programs in Health Centers - Session 5: Learning Lab Lessons Learned: Implementing and Expanding Social Needs Screening Programs in Health Centers - Session 4: Level 4: Monitoring Population Level Data and Beyond Lessons Learned: Implementing and Expanding Social Needs Screening Programs in Health Centers - Session 3: Level 3: Responding to the Social Needs Screening Lessons Learned: Implementing and Expanding Social Needs Screening Programs in Health Centers - Session 2: Level 2: Implementing a Social Needs Screening Tool
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