Data Transparency Summit Part II
An Oregon Primary Care Association Event
General Information
OPCA recently fielded a Data and Quality Improvement Survey to Oregon’s FQHCs, which helped foster a better understanding of clinics’ current data/QI capacities and capabilities. One common challenge that emerged was that of systematizing and sustaining data and quality improvement structures. As a result, this event is designed to dive deep into effective data and quality improvement systems, and will include a variety of activities including guest presentations, small group discussions, sharing of best practices and action planning.
- Data Transparency Project participants
- Any clinic staff whose job responsibilities include (but not limited to) leading quality improvement projects, building a culture of quality improvement, implementing quality improvement and data systems or communicating data. This may include staff at all levels of the organization, such as Quality Directors, Operations Directors, Quality Improvement Coordinators and Data Analysts.
Agenda (coming soon!)
The theme of the day is systematizing and sustaining quality improvement and the use of data within your clinics. Topics and speakers are subject to change as we continue to develop the agenda.
Resource Links
Click here to register for the event.This event is designed to dive deep into effective data and quality improvement systems, and will include a variety of activities including guest presentations, small group discussions, sharing of best practices and action planning.