EHR Optimization Guides
for Million Hearts® Initiative
Million Hearts® is a national initiative to prevent 1 million heart attacks and strokes by 2017. Million Hearts® has the potential to help improve the health of millions of Americans by improving the ABCS:
- Aspirin Therapy When Appropriate
- Blood Pressure Control
- Cholesterol Management
- Smoking Cessation
Million Hearts® EHR Optimization Guides
Million Hearts® EHR Optimization Guides help healthcare professionals leverage their EHR systems to excel in the ABCS. Through helpful step by step instructions, the Guides illustrate how providers can use their EHR products to find, use, and improve data on the Million Hearts® clinical quality measures. Ultimately, these guides facilitate the identification of at-risk patients, helping clinical teams across the country protect their patients from heart attacks, strokes, and other cardiovascular events.
Learn more about the initiative and optimization here.
Resource Links
Million Hearts EHR Optimization GuidesThese guides provide helpful step by step instructions, illustrating how providers can use their EHR products to find, use, and improve data on the Million Hearts® measures.