NACHC / Wednesday, November 23, 2016 / Categories: Value Based Payment, Engaging in Value Based Payment Models Successful Practices in Accountable Care: Sunset Community Health Center Best Practices Series #2 Sunset Community Health Center (Sunset) worked with their largest Medicaid managed care payer, United Health Care, to increase access to care, reduce non-emergent emergency room visits, reduce admissions and re-admissions, and improve care for high-risk patients. The health center invested resources, including additional staff to improve care management, predictive modeling to identify high risk patients, and additional in house expertise. Sunset strengthened their relationship with United Healthcare and increased communication to support each organization’s goals. Documents to download NACHC-3-Sunset-CHC-2016(.pdf, 254.61 KB) - 1092 download(s) Resource Links Link to the original NACHC learning resource Print 33409 Tags: EHR payer value based payment accountable care quality outcomes shared savings high risk capitated Intended AudienceHealth Center Staff Related Resources Managed Care Glossary for Health Centers Managed Care Data Checklist Value Based Payment Contract Review Checklist for FQHCs [Video] FQHC Value Based Payment Basics Clinical Quality Measures for Eligible Professionals: 2022 Update