Joan Ash, Hardeep Singh, and Dean Sittig for the ONC / Tuesday, June 14, 2016 / Categories: EHR Selection and Implementation, EHR Implementation SAFER-9 Clinician Communication A Resource Developed by the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology The Clinician Communication SAFER Guide identifies recommended safety practices associated with communication between clinicians and is intended to optimize the safety and safe use of EHRs. Processes relating to clinician communication are complex and vulnerable to breakdown. In the EHR-enabled healthcare environment, providers rely on technology to support and manage their complex inter-clinician communication processes. If implemented and used correctly, EHRs have potential to improve the safety and safe use of clinician communication. Documents to download SAFER - 9. Clinician Communication(.pdf, 1.74 MB) - 970 download(s) Resource Links Link to the ONC SAFER Guides websiteThe Clinician Communication SAFER Guide identifies recommended safety practices associated with communication between clinicians and is intended to optimize the safety and safe use of EHRs. Previous Article SAFER-8 Test Results Reporting and Follow-Up Next Article Unleash the True Value of Your EMR Investment with APIs Print 8882 Tags: ONC EHR Implementation EHR Safety SAFER Guides Achieving Meaningful Use Clinician Communication Related Resources Performance Measure Data Definition Worksheet FAQ: How will the upcoming changes to the Information Blocking and EHR certification requirements impact health centers? Lessons Learned in Social Need Screening Sample Information Blocking policies, procedures, and templates EHR Vendors Most Frequently Used by Health Centers