Event date: 3/10/2021 2:30 PM - 4:00 PM Export event Molly Rafferty / Tuesday, January 5, 2021 / Categories: EHR Selection and Implementation, EHR Implementation, Health Information Exchange, Relevance of HIE, Description of HIE, Implementation of HIE, Archived Advancing Interoperability Learning Collaborative Session 4: Coordinated Care Through Registries and Related Efforts HITEQ Advancing Interoperability Learning Collaborative Series In this session, we explore a specific, relevant interoperability use case of immunization registries and disease registries, such as reportable diseases, or COVID immunization registries. The group views case studies of how health centers incorporated registries into their clinical workflow, and enhanced patient care.Learning Objectives: After participating in this session, attendees will be able to:- Describe the role of immunization and disease registries in clinical care, and potential legal requirements for participation.- Understand the potential integration options for registries with the health center’s local EHR- Learn how to engage clinicians in the use of registries Speakers: Kislaya Kunjan, PhD Health IT Director, Indiana Primary Health Care Association Noam H. Artz, PhD, FHIMSS, FAMIA HLN Consulting Documents to download HITEQ Advancing Interoperability Learning Collaborative Session 4 Coordinated Care Through Registries and Related Efforts transcript(.pdf, 218.73 KB) - 589 download(s) Transcript HITEQ Learning Collaborative_Advancing Interoperability_Session 4_Final (2)(.pdf, 2.27 MB) - 607 download(s) Slide deck Resource Links View recording hereRecording link Previous Article Addressing Provider Burden Learning Collaborative Session 4: Provider Burnout Round-Up Next Article Advancing Interoperability Learning Collaborative Session 5: Future (and near-future) Visions of Data Sharing Print 10169 Tags: health information exchange Data Sharing and Interoperability data sharing interoperability Interoperabilty information blocking Cures Act Final Rule immunization registries claims processing admission-discharge-transfer ADT Related Resources HITEQ Highlights: Health Centers as Actors (in Information Blocking)! FAQ: How will the upcoming changes to the Information Blocking and EHR certification requirements impact health centers? FHIR 101: Opportunities to Improve Interoperability across Health Centers Sample Information Blocking policies, procedures, and templates Health Center Case Examples in Coding and Documenting Social Risks: Introduction