NACHC / Wednesday, November 23, 2016 / Categories: Value Based Payment, Value Based Payment Basics 1332 Waivers and Health Centers Emerging Issues #12 The Affordable Care Act (ACA) Section 1332 waiver option (or “state innovation waiver”) allows states to request approval for their alternative approach to the ACA related to the health insurance marketplace and employer and individual mandates, beginning January 1, 2017. This resource is important to health centers in states developing 1332 waivers since these waivers may impact the health center. Two examples of important changes a waiver could influence relate to Qualified Health Plans’ network inclusion of essential community providers and requirements on Prospective Payment System rates. Documents to download HITEQ_1332_Waivers_2016(.pdf, 476.05 KB) - 768 download(s) Resource Links Link to the original document on the NACHC website Print 20978 Tags: marketplace mandate 1332 waiver Intended Audiencehealth center staff