Event date: 1/10/2017 3:00 PM - 4:30 PM Export event Alyssa Thomas / Tuesday, September 6, 2016 / Categories: Health Information Exchange, HIT Events, Webinars, Archived 1/10 HITEQ Highlights - Health Information Exchange (HIE): Weighing the HIE Decision Health centers are facing the complex question of whether and how to participate in health information exchange (HIE) given the changing health care environment and legal/financial requirements such as meaningful use. This webinar will seek to provide a balance view from industry leaders to help audiences understand the state of the art in health information exchange, possible benefits, challenges, and aid health centers to consider their particular situationin the context of the national environment. Documents to download HITEQ Highlights HIE Webinar_011017_508(.pptx, 2.77 MB) - 484 download(s) HITEQ Highlights HIE Transcript_508(.pdf, 108.89 KB) - 229 download(s) Resource Links Link to the webinar recording Print 6915 Tags: webinar health information exchange HIE HITEQ Event Related Resources FHIR 101: Opportunities to Improve Interoperability across Health Centers What is Robotic Process Automation (RPA)? Virtual Engagement for Professionals: Center of Excellence Virtual Engagement for Professionals: Center of Excellence Virtual Engagement for Professionals: Center of Excellence