Event date: 5/19/2021 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM Export event Molly Rafferty / Monday, May 17, 2021 / Categories: EHR Selection and Implementation, Electronic Patient Engagement, Patient Portals, Health Information Exchange, Implementation of HIE, Privacy and Security, Privacy & Security Best Practices, Telehealth, Webinars, Archived Strategic Cybersecurity Investments: Leveraging American Rescue Plan Funding to Enhance Infrastructure and Services HITEQ Highlights webinar Healthcare continues to be the sector most targeted globally by ransomware and related malware attacks and leads in the average total cost of data breach across industries. The FY 2021 American Rescue Plan Funding provides an excellent opportunity for Health Centers to make strategic investments in cybersecurity infrastructure and services. This HITEQ Highlight, presented by Adam Kehler of Online Business Systems provides an overview of assets that can increase Health Center cybersecurity. Topics covered include cybersecurity infrastructure and services that can increase defense-in-depth for health IT, including EHRs, telehealth tools and services, mobile medical devices, patient portals, and related health information software applications. Note: You can view our American Rescue Plan: Budget Your Cybersecurity Investments guidance document in the Documents to Download section below. An accessible version of the handout is is also available in the Documents to Download section. Documents to download The American Rescue Plan: Budget your Cybersecurity Investments(.pdf, 1.88 MB) - 999 download(s) PDF Infographic The American Rescue Plan: Budget your Cybersecurity Investments(.pdf, 131.51 KB) - 959 download(s) Accessible Version HITEQ Highlights Strategic Cybersecurity Investments Leveraging American Rescue Plan Funding to Enhance Infrastructure and Services transcript_05192021(.pdf, 117.87 KB) - 920 download(s) Webinar transcript HITEQ_Highlights_Strategic_Cybersecurity_Investments_slide_deck_2021(.pdf, 1.72 MB) - 928 download(s) Slide deck Resource Links View Recording hereRecording link Print 19348 Tags: Capital Link cybersecurity ransomware ransomware prevention malware data breach American Rescue Plan Related Resources Improving Health Center Cybersecurity: Risk Assessment, Breach Defense, Mitigation, and Response - Session 4 Cybersecurity Incident Response Planning for Health Centers Improving Health Center Cybersecurity: Risk Assessment, Breach Defense, Mitigation and Response - Session 3 Mitigating Cybersecurity Risk for RPM and Telehealth Programs Improving Health Center Cybersecurity: Risk Assessment, Breach Defense, Mitigation and Response - Session 2 Health Center Hacking Combat and Breach Response Strategies Improving Health Center Cybersecurity: Risk Assessment, Breach Defense, Mitigation and Response - Session 1 Identifying and Assessing Cybersecurity Risks at Your Health Center Cybersecurity: Ask Me Anything