OVerview of the Triple & Quadruple Aim
Using Health IT and EHRs to Address the Burden Providers Experience
HITEQ Center

Using Health IT and EHRs to Address the Burden Providers Experience

Takeaways for primary care safety net settings including federally qualified health centers and look-alikes. June 2022.

Providers are burnt out and most expect it to get worse. Burnout is typically defined as a psychological response to job stressors characterized by emotional exhaustion, detachment, and a sense of ineffectiveness. Investigations of burnout in primary care have usually focused on factors associated with burnout among individual clinicians. But, it may be more useful to think about organizational-level burnout, which can shift the focus from individual responsibility to organizational solutions. This piece outlines organizational-level approaches to use address provider burden with health IT, gleaned from several years of literatire review and work with health centers.

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